Saturday 21 July 2007

What do you do when the dream goes sour?

Oh dear.

DH is hating his job. This was his dream job, the job that he thought would make him a happy man. But there is so much bureaucracy and so many broken links (he has to do online courses and work practices stuff but the links don't work and the help stuff tells him his browser is incorrectly configured but won't help any) and so little actual real help and so much politicking and so few people to talk to that it is all going sour. All he wants to do is quit and go home. This is having major repercussions on his fragile ego.

Of course all this comes to head just at the same time as his boss is away for a loooong weekend and left a whole list of things that have to be done before he gets back.


I so wanted this to work. I so want my husband to be happy. I don't want any more days (and nights) like the last one....


2paw said...

How boogelly. Hopefully this is just teething troubles and it will all settle down soon. Sending positive vibes your way......

My Five Sons said...

Oh Lynne i feel for you! We may have our world upside down too if our cards are not played right with our more recent Stuff!
Im thinking of you as I spin the last of that lovely soft Machine W.lap for a wearable piece of art!