Wednesday 4 July 2007

Rocky Mountain Low

Happy 4th of July to those that will.

Y'know for some weird reason, I thought that today would be a good day. Someone would invite us out for a picnic and celebrate an important American holiday with us. But nope, we had to make our own fun.

Our own fun involved getting mildy lost in the foothills behind Fort Collins. That was fun, except for the 20 mile an hour zone in the middle of nowhere. (Honestly, what is with these speed limits that are ridiculously low? OK the road was narrow and twisty but 20mph is less than 40kmh and we were nowhere near any schools or built up areas. Even the speeds in town are faster than that!) I was the only person trying to stick anywhere near the speed limit. We then had arvo tea in Old Town and met another Carolyn(ne?). Then we went to Home Depot, just to see what is there. That was all good.

But through it all, we were both cracking the sads. I'm cracking the sads cos I feel isolated - I don't have anyone to talk to during the day and if Nathan is home, he is chatting on the computer, so he fairly much ignores me blathering at him (and I can't get online to email anyone or look stuff up). Yes I should be getting on the phone more and going to meet ups of knitters and spinners but I was told this is a holiday week and not much tends to happen in this sort of week. I'm sorta feeling abandoned and quite alone. Later this week I won't have a car - we can't afford to keep it, it being a hire car and all and us having to pay full on day by day insurance. Anything I do will have to be by bike or by bus. That will be an issue cos we will need to get stuff that can't be carried on a bike (like a set of pots and pans and various kitchen wares. A bed would be handy too but I guess that can be delivered). Also if we get this place we are aiming for, I won't be near any good knitting shops with meetups but I will be close to good supermarkets. Next week we won't have a phone or the internet. We'll be completely isolated. Plus money is an issue. Nathan is getting paid well but we have to pay for a place to live, our food, etc, out of one week's pay, and that just isn't enough. I'm having to use the credit card back 'ome, with all the fees and the exchange rate.

So I'm cracking the sads. I knew there would be bad times. I knew the first month here would be the most challenging as I find my way around town, figure out what is good, what is bad, try to make some connections and some new friends, try to work around a lack of income whilst our outgoings are highest... also no car is going to be a big issue. Much as we would like to do without a car, if we don't have one, we can't go anywhere outside of town, particularly into the mountains, because it is all just Too Far Away.

Nathan is cracking the sads as he frustrated at work cos of the bureaucracy and cos he isn't settled in there yet. Also he sees things that he thinks would be so easy to fix in the world but he can't fix them by himself.

Plus I didn't get to see fireworks cos we were watching Mythbusters and didn't get to a viewpoint in time for anything but seeing a huge line of cars coming from the other direction.

All in all a very frustrating day. May tomorrow be a happier day.


Chris said...

:( Oh, Lynne - *hug*. It's been so long since I moved anyplace new or started a new job that I can remember how disconnected I felt, but not with the immediacy you're feeling. Plus I always had a job or school to keep me occupied. I wish I could come hang out with you and drive you around in my wee car. Hang in there...

Victoria said...

I am so sorry that you first 4th was not a happier one. I do understand. I supposedly have a bunch of friends but didn't get invited anywhere either and since I live in an apartment I can't have a BBQ or anything because its just too small. I totally get where you are coming from. I kept "cracking the sads" (to use your term) too yesterday but tried to ignore it. It will get better as you get to know people I am sure of it. I am with Chris if I had been closer I would take you around. hugs