Thursday 12 July 2007

On recycled "bathroom tissue"

Ah, the joys of finding new products in a new country. This is an issue that is, well I'd like to say close to my heart but really it is much closer to somewhere else.

Those who are sensitive to such issues had best go find another blog to read right now - the title should give you an idea of today's topic.

Back 'ome, my local supermarkets carry not just one but four brands of recycled dunny paper. (Gosh I said dunny! Next I will say toot, toilet, loo, lavatory, bog or other such taboo words!) And I reviewed them all in a side by side (so to speak) comparison earlier this year.

Here I've found just one so far.

Golly, it ain't worth it, I can tell you! It is like applying fine grade sand paper (and I am sure would feel like coarse sand paper on bad days). From my Oz experience, recycled bog roll does not have to be like folding up photocopier paper or that really cheap poster paper for little kids and one should not have to martyr various delicate parts of one's anatomy just to be environmentally conscious (but heck, it sure makes you conscious!).

Does anyone have any suggestions for brands other than 7G (name shortened to protect the guilty)? Or should I just give up and go running for the Kleenex Cottonelle cos that sure is soft, or at least the version back 'ome is! Are there issues here with various paper companies cutting down virgin forest like in Oz, or are they all OK? This enquiring mind (and other regions) needs to know! Thanks!


Chris said...

Green Forest is the only recycled brand I've found that doesn't hurt. :)

Victoria said...

ok first: LMAO!!!

2nd: as chris mentioned Green Forest doesn't hurt ...i would think Colorado has a "Trader Joes" chain supermarket...they carry lots of environmentally friendly products of all kinds...

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

I haven't gotten hear recycled ones in years because of what you mentioned. I'm guessing you aren't too far away from Sunflower Market, are you? It's like WF, but a bit cheaper and not quite as yuppie (I found shopping GF there kind of nice too - e-mail me for more info if you want). I'd say they stand a chance of having Green Forest. If you're up in Old Town for anything you might also check out the Food Co-op there and there is a green products store on Lynden St. I haven't made it in there yet but their focus is clothing and paper products. I know they have say eco-friendly party supplies. I don't know if the paper stuff extends to TP or not, but it would be worth checking it out if you are in the general area.