Wednesday 11 July 2007

On new lodgings

Once upon a time, Nathan and Lynne moved to Colorado. There they searched for a place to live.

Eventually (ok, the fifth place they looked at, or maybe the sixth), they found a place that looked really nice in a good location. Even better, the placed was available almost immediately, which was *extremely* convenient.

So Lynne and Nathan moved in.

Nice new (secondhand) kitchen - so new it was still covered in construction dust (and the remnants of the previous owner's food gobs. Ick!).

Such a new kitchen that there was no water to the sink. Rather amusingly, when Nathan threw the water from the new tea mugs into the sink, it made a very odd splatter noise, not the tinkle-tinkle of water going down a drain.

Yep, the sink was not plumbed in in any way shape or form.

Alas, alack, Lynne had to take her bike and trailer out to not just one but TWO supermarkets to find a wash tub to do the dishes in - y'see the dishwasher also was not plumbed in and the crockery and glassware and pots and cutlery all had to be washed before they could be used. (I rode 20 miles that day mostly with the trailer - gosh I was tired by the end of it!)

The sink was plumbed in yesterday. Hooray! The dishwasher gets tied down today - it is plumbed in but has not been installed properly yet. Even the washing machine and drier were installed again (they are a bit dodgy but I am assured that the drier will work better now that its exhaust vent doesn't have a bird nest in it).

Then it was shower time.

Apparently showers in a lot of the rentals here do not have shower curtains/rods/screens. That is left to the individual taste of the renter. To an Aussie, this seems totally bizarre. So after we created a flood in the bathroom (I kid you not it was at least half an inch deep by the bath and there was no floor drain), Lynne took the bike and trailer out AGAIN in search of cheap bathmats (check!), some sort of shower rail (check!) and a shower curtain (check!).

In Target, they had adjustable rails - things that Lynne had never noticed before in Oz (nathan says he has seen them). They are designed to be temporary installations. You unscrew them, winding them out to a bit bigger than the gap they have to span, squish them in a bit and plonk them where you want them to sit (eg near the top of the tiles in the shower-bath). Ta-dum! Instant rail to hang a shower curtain on! Considering the number of these things they had available, they are obviously very popular.

So Lynne brought home a rail, shower curtain, new towels, new kitchen towels, new hand towels and a bathmat, and two used bathmats to be used for icky things. Hooray for new things!

But someone forgot to buy pillows. Again. Dangit!

But she did remember to go to Home Depot (I say it dep-o to Nathan and for the sake of the Americans here dee-po for Americans) and buy an extension thing for the shower, which was barely tall enough for the shorter of them to shower under. So at least the bathroom is all in order now!

On our first night here, when it got dark, we discovered that the loungeroom and the upstairs rooms do NOT have lights! Instead there are "light" switches on the walls that turn on and off powerpoints. Y'know when you look at a place during daylight, you don't think to look for lights. LOL So third on the list to buy is floor lamps. This is very possible once Nathan cons one of his mates into doing a spot of shopping. Anything over about four feet long doesn't fit on/into the bike trailer and Lynne feels uninclined to have to bungee-strap (we call them occy straps for octopus straps) things like lamps and brooms/mops to her bike trailer with a nice little flag on the bag to say long load....

So the new lodgings are great, but have some teething problems which are mostly readily fixable. After the kitchen is cleaned out (since the last of the work is happening today), we will start playing in the yard, such as it is. It appears despite the strong NO CATS/PETS prohibition here, the previous tenants had a silver tabby (evidence is that there are cat you-know whats in the gravel in our "yard" and the colour of the cat is apparent from the cat hair I've already found in fluff balls on the carpet).

Our visitors so far have commented on the lack of places to sit. Furniture? What is that? One of Nathan's workmates gave us some plastic outdoor chairs yesterday so now we have options to sit on a chair, not just on the stairs or the floor or our mattress (which currently sits on the floor in the living area cos upstairs was Too Hot and a base was Too Expensive yet). What a kind gift! (Chairs are another thing that don't fit into the bike trailer.)

After we get some pillows, a broom and a mop, we will have all the basics! Yay us! Then we can work on the rest. Cool, huh?


Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

I hadn't run into a rental without a shower rod. How odd! Glad to hear you are getting settled though!

We have friends who bought a house 2.5 years ago and their only furniture is still the folding camp chairs! :-) You do what you gotta do. I have this nagging feeling that we may have an extra lamp or two around here. I'll try poke around when my feet are doing better and see what else we may come up with.

Annette M. said...

Hurray Lynne!! Finally you are getting some help with your furnishings. I know you'll have lots of fun things to do when you really get settled. Till then, chin up. Annette

Chris said...

Shower curtain I expect (and that's fine - ewwww using someone else's shower curtain), but the shower rod is not normal. Never in my many, many years of renting...