Friday 29 February 2008


BTW, it most definitely was winter the day I travelled to SF, but it sure didn't feel like it. Hooray for places with mild winters!

This old riverboat appears to have been modified to become a nightclub or something. Bizarre.

I walked and walked and walked. My legs were getting weary as I finally reached pier 39. I liked the crab that greeted me

The pier is a tourist trap but I didn't mind. I was ready for a tourist trap with its various diversions. It had Stuff in it, some of which was almost interesting! The merry-go-round was very nifty

and quite a number of people were admiring the pretty horses (mostly adults, probably like me wondering if the things could bear our weight)

The stars of the show at pier 39 are of course the sea lions. I thought I got a totally brilliant video of two sea lions threatening each other but alas no the camera didn't understand that pressing the shutter button means start recording now. (I got a totally brilliant video of the decking :-) Instead, you get to see a still shot of this seagull enjoying some pre-digested lunch...

By the time I had reached Pier 39, I was sick of walking. I was going to walk all the way back into town to check out yarn shops and there was no way I was walking any closer to this SF icon:

And I certainly was not swimming all the way to there:

(though I could've caught a ferry if I wanted to share it with 500 or so 15 year olds. Ick)

A number of old trams/trolleys/streetcars rumble up and down the (dangnabbit, getting old, I think it is a Spanish word that would translate to esplanade, though it sounds like place of embarkation). Embarcadero. That is it! I spent quite a few frustrating minutes trying to get a shot of a tram rather than the side of a truck or a taxi or some enormous hulking SUV. Eventually my patience was rewarded:

I think this building demonstrates that I was in SF and not some other place

This steep street could be in SF or Wellington in New Zealand - both of them are subject to the same forces that cause sudden uplift of land

But these houses have a very Bay area feel to them

The centre of town was interesting - it was older than I expected but then again I guess the last *rooly* big earthquake was what 1906? 1908? Anyway, there were a lot of pretty looking buildings. I could've wandered around for hours if my feet didn't hurt after walking 5 miles and if I didn't want to find a yarn shop or two. (Imagiknit, which is two miles out of town and art fibers which is right in the heart of town.) I didn't take a ride on one of the cable cars (and I forgot to wait for it to rumble past so I could get a photo - I only saw one in the distance). Next time! I didn't get any good shots there either - the best views are in the middle of the streets and the streets are busy and a little canyon like (as one might expect when surrounded by skyscrapers).

On the way back a heap of Caltrains awaited me, but I chose the one that was express most of the way. Hooray for express trains! Boo hiss for diesels that spew poisonous fumes everywhere! Caltrain is going to be electrified - it is running at capacity now and if they electrify it, they can run more trains as electric trains accelerate faster. Having two tracks all the way would help too - one there, one back Yeah, it's all train stuff to me! But I sure prefer riding the train to a big city than driving a car cos at least I don't have to worry about traffic in the train nor finding a car park without having to pay extortionist rates to release the thing at the end of the day....


mrspao said...

What a lovely day out. I really want to visit San Francisco the next time we go to the US.

dreamcatcher said...

What great photos, that durned spidery thing in the previous post is quite disturbing!