Friday 29 February 2008


And that is not science fiction! Nope San Francisco.

Alas, I didn't wear a flower in my hair but I did go to SF. I plotted and planned over a MONTH ago now and chose the first sunny day in over a week for the trip. It said it would be clear in SF, which I think is pretty important if I am to take a brazilian pictures, which I did. Think yourself lucky that you get what I consider are the best ones, and think yourself unlucky that I am not very discriminatory when it comes to chosing the best photos.

Since it was half an hour to the Caltrain on the light rail in whatever direction I took, I hopped on the tram-train to Mountain View.

This is the most amusing thing I saw all day (except maybe the sea lions).

The Caltrain runs *backwards* all the way to SF. There is no turning point for the trains so the driver sits up in the "front" carriage. Clang clang clang (they have clangie things not horns for pulling into and out of stations) and the train "backs" into the station. Most bizarre. The advantage of having the loco at the back? No diesel fumes! (But this means the trip to SJ is most pongy and quite a number of people were coughing, me included.)

So I hopped off the train at San Francisco and started wandering around. I had no idea where Good Stuff was (except for my little scratch map of how to get to yarn shops) so I headed for the waterfront and walked past the ball park and onwards ever onwards.

The bridge that goes to Berkeley, etc.

I love the barrier on the bridge suspension to stop people walking/climbing up it. I can't imagine ever getting to a point where I would need to be stopped from climbing further. I would've fallen off much earlier after the vertigo got me in its clutches. Not only is the suspension support a few metres above the upper bridge deck, it is also at least 14 stories above the ground (there are buildings pretty much underneath the bridge). Ackles.

(For some reason I like the shot with the pigeon in it so you get to see it too. The bird fluttered down in front of me and strutted around importantly and amused me, even if it is a rat of the sky.)

Just what every city needs.

Along with its own little Elder thing

and a

But wait, there's more!

An ENORMOUS spidery thing. Have I scared all you arachniphobes yet?

Maybe you'll find this scarier

It is the hint of the unknown and the frightening that is more scary than the real thing!

Hmm, now that I have scared off half my audience, I had best put the rest in another blog post!


mrspao said...

I can't think why I'm thinking of War of the Worlds....

Anonymous said...

Was that spider on the Embarcadero by the Ferry Building?

Those are some beautiful pix!