Sunday 26 August 2007

Word of the week


Golly, I love crawdads almost as much as I love the word "cooty." Of course now I think about it, cooty probably has racist overtones. Ooops.

(that one is real fresh btw - his eye is clouded but he is actually alive and crawling on the bike path)
But CRAWDAD? Almost as good as yabby! And the self same sorta critter - a crustacean that lives in ponds and creeks. I play with the ones in the creek down the bottom of the hill several times a week.

At certain times of the month or maybe when the current is stronger, they like to all pile up in the bit where the creek comes through a big drainpipe under the bike path. I think they are feeding there. Anyway, there are lots of swirls and eddies, and every now and then (ie very often) one yabby gets caught in an eddy and goes around and around and around and around - hope they don't get dizzy! They often knock other crawdads off their safe perch too so five of them go around and around and around. Sorta like a merry go round for crawdads. Other times the current just picks them up and deposits this flailing critter about 3m downstream. Then they start crawling back to where the food is oh so good@


mrspao said...

Ok, what's a crawdad? :)

mrspao said...

Thanks for the picture! :)