Monday 27 August 2007

Funny mood and a whinge

Today is a very odd day. DH has just been whisked off to Denver for his flight to a conference in Canada. Sniffle. Noone to talk to at home for days and days!

So I will go to an SnB (unless it rains, which it is threatening to) and a LYS knitty gathering and annoy our lovely neighbours.

I am sorta out of sorts at the moment. Since we got here, we've made friends with the neighbours and with one of Nathan's workmates/family and our new un-aunt-mother. That is it. (I've probably offended someone already by saying that.) We've met people and they seem really nice and welcoming and friendly but if you actually do ring them up or email them after they give you their card, they seem rather surprised. Hello! We are lonely! Of course if you are nice to us and give us your card we will contact you. In Australia, we give out our details to people we like, not just anyone we meet.

We think we are probably breaching some Unwritten Rule of Etiquette. Since it is unwritten, we do not know what that rule is. It is probably a cultural thing. It is like when I say I don't know where to go to get something. Quite often noone will tell me cos they think I am pulling their leg or something. How would I know what are good places to shop at here? How do I know where to find various items? We don't have the same shops at home. (We do have our own Kmart, which is slightly less scroaty than here, and our own Target, which seems aimed fairly much at the same market. Oh and Safeway in Oz is owned by Safeway here. And Shell.) We don't have the same products at home - there is probably a 50% cross over in some areas like shampoos and stuff but.

Ah well, could be worse. I could've been involved in this ballooning accident. I feel sorriest for the people who were having a nice holiday in an RV park (or maybe a nice quiet life) and then BINGO BANGO a flaming hot air balloon lands on their RV or their car and burns it to the ground.

Like Hello! How unlucky is that?


Anonymous said...

Surely there are some different groups you could join up with like, spinning groups, book clubs, umm, neighbourhood community groups, walking in the mountains groups? Anything that would get you with like-minded folk? And maybe follow up more of those who give you their cards. Always worth a go.

Anonymous said...

It is those unwritten laws that are the tricky ones. Hope you find some kindred spirits. So what's the weirdest or funniest thing you've found in the supermarket or shops?????

Victoria said...

hmm...when i give my contact details out i do so because i want people to contact me, and i give it to those i would like to have continued contact with...i am always insulted when they don't contact me....which happens a lot...shrugs...i grew up here and if this is an un-written rule i don't know it either lol...

i really wish you lived closer we would have a blast!

mrspao said...

If I'd known you were lonely - I would have come to see you! Unfortunately, we booked our tix in April so couldn't change them for a detour to Fort Collins.