Tuesday 26 June 2007

In which we veer a LOT sideways

As I wandered around some department stores (Kohl's and Tarzhay to be precise) I became aware of something very important.

Men's underpants are VERY different here. Yes, we have boxers and trunks in Australia, but we also have something known as jocks. (no, they are not gridiron/football players, they are very popular men's underpants in Australia.)

Jocks are brief. You can see some almost jocks (the white ones on the left) in this product page. Jocks have sides that are about 3" long. Some have a little "escape hatch," most don't cos really, they don't need them. They are about as brief as "budgie smugglers" (Speedos).

The closest I've found to jocks here are some Haynes things that quite frankly, when we bought them in dire need on our last trip, were more the saggy baggy granny underpants of the jock world. *Very* disappointing.

I can see that sooner or later we will have to put out a distress call. "Send jocks urgently!" to Nathan's parents. "American jocks are not!"

Anyone know wher we can get jocks at a normal store? I am sure there are some very *special* stores we can get them at online, but those are not the places I wanna go!


Chris said...

LOL! Ah, the cultural differences one never considers... No clue where to find such things! Altho maybe a sporting goods store would have a wider variety?

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

How's this?

There is a store in the Foothills mall. They may or may not have them in stock, but you stand a greater chance of finding what you want if you go to real department store rather than a discount place. You might ask for a men's bikini brief if you talk to a sales person.

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

Oh, hip brief and low-rise hip brief seem to also be terms used to describe what you are talking about I think.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you settling in. I'm enjoying reading about the little differences we have. Can't wait to hear some comments on the food. I've always wondered how different the food might be.

AJH said...

I found some cool undies at Macy's in Boston. Have you got a Macy's in FC?

Fiberjoy said...

I've enjoyed reading down through your posts from today but had to comment on this. Until this past year the low-rise briefs (jocks) (Bill Blass (?) brand)were the only type I bought for my dh. You know my dismay when I went to buy him some new ones last fall and could not find any, anywhere! I don't know if it's this way in Oz but here the rapid change in fashions keep one off balance.

Hope things are looking up a bit more these days. Once you get connected with a yarn shop, neighbors, church, etc it'll get easier. Now I'm off to check out your fiber blog. :-)