Thursday 28 June 2007

back 'ome

Ah the joy of saying, "Back 'ome" in a pommy accent. Y'see we keep finding ourselves saying, "Back 'ome" and then worrying that we sound like we are complaining like people who are new to an area and who don't like what they are finding.

So if I say "back 'ome" I am not complaining, usually, I am simply surprised by the differences between America and Australia. Yes, we are different places, and I expected that, it is just the little things that catch you out.

Like not finding the light switch cos it is colocated on the same plate as a power point. Back 'ome we have switches on our power points. So a switch by a power point is for the power point, until I remember I am not back 'ome any more.

Also what is with putting light switches on the middle of a wall? Back 'ome we have them either on the door jamb or within a hand's reach of the edge of the door. Here I fumble around in the usual place and eventually remember to go searching a bit further away. (or is that just this place we are staying at?) They can expect to find grotty pawprints across the walls as I search to find a light....

This afternoon we start looking at places to live. We are renting - we don't have $$$$$$$ to buy! Even renting currently will stretch us cos we have to pay two months' rent upfront for the bond and the rent in advance. We have lined up half a dozen places and will see how we go. I can also checkout if this place is the only place that has light switches neatly placed in the centre of a wall...

Fun, what?


Chris said...

Um, I think it's maybe just that place!! My light switches are all located within 6" of the door.

Victoria said...

the light switch thingy mst be the place where you are...i look for the switch place right at the door jam ...not into further on the wall...

i understand how you are feeling about "back 'ome" i felt that when i moved to New Zealand...the first time it really hit me was night ...about midnight i was out running and it was quiet and dark and suddenly i looked up and saw the southern lights but something else bothered me..."the stars were not right! they were in the wrong place." well of course they were fine...for the southern hemisphere...but i hadn't realized how in tune i was to the way a sky was "supposed" to look like...didn't even know i was aware of it really until that night...its when i KNEW that i was far from home..."back 'ome" the stars are in a different place...i soon came to think of NZ as a 2nd home but still there was that little thing...i get what you mean :-) its cool...its natural and expected...i hope you will soon come to think of colorado as a 2nd home :-)