Friday 12 October 2007

A change of scene

Well well well.

What a difference a few days make.

We now face the future with a certain degree of confidence.


There is a job offer on its way to DH. It means we will have to up stumps and leave Colorado in the dead of winter but given the choice of:

  1. being illegal, penniless immigrants in Colorado,
  2. legal, penniless citizens back 'ome or
  3. legal, monied immigrants in California,

I think it is pretty obvious which we would choose.

We have to change our visas over. The new company will arrange an interview and fly us to Toronto (or Vancouver or Montreal or wherever we want but we know folks in TO). The idea of flying to the Mexican town opposite El Paso in Texas came up again but we are wussy and their preference is Canada as well. Everyone we know has said don't go there, or if you do, stay in a hotel real close to the consulate and don't go out. Hmmm....

Pictures care of our trip to New Mexico last week. First time I've been out of the state since we got here. New Mexico looks like a very poor state full of lots of nothing but we liked it. The scenery is different and we reached this state of enchantment just on sunset. Purdy, eh?


Anonymous said...

What a relief! I really hope everything turns out well for you both.

mrspao said...

Phew! I am still sending positive vibes your way cos you'll need them!

dreamcatcher said...

Sounds like good news, best of luck with the changeover!

Anonymous said...

Hurray, some good, happy and positive news!!!!!