Friday 28 September 2007

September Sunset

Ah, the days are getting shorter now - a week past equinox, though we still have lots of daylight to lose. It's been an interesting week - bright sunny and clear for a goodly lot of it.

When I looked up out of our study on Thursday (we have these clerestory windows that make our place look three stories high), I saw this:

Glorious blue sky and a tinge of autumn at the top of the tree.
(you are lucky - I removed the ENORMOUS bird poo splattered down the window. I get to see it every time cos there is NO way I am finding a ladder that long just to clean it off)

Then enough cloud shows up to make sunset fabulous.

Can you tell that sunset is my favourite part of the day? Sunrise is good too, at least in winter, but really sunrise is hard to cope with for most of the year. I'm awake for most sunsets :-)

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