Sunday 23 September 2007

Painting without pictures - Colorado sunset

Today was a dull day - very little sun as a front was passing by. But oh boy, did sunset make up for it!

Imagine showers falling from one band of heavy cloud. The rain is the sort that don't reach the ground. Earlier in the day, such showers had looked like a grey longhaired tabby cat's fur. But now?

A band of brilliant orange fire stretched across the sky. Filaments of flame dangled and wavered, dancing in the breeze up high beneath the clouds. Everything all around was tinted orange.

To the west of the fire were bands and speckles of pale orange.

The fire cat moved northwards, clearing, leaving the mackerel spotting of the clouds to light up in their turn. Brilliant yellows, oranges and reds, stripes, spots, streaked with deep blue cloud, patches of bright blue sky, puffs of teensy little cumulus.

Totally brilliant. Oh for a camera! But then you would be bombarded with a hundred pictures showing the slow changes in colour.

1 comment:

mrspao said...

That description is incredible!